Monday, March 4, 2013

Still Here

Happy bear says Hi Human!

Hi! I am still here, just ashamed of my lack of progress. I must hide my face from my loyal followers and cry, alone. I am bathing in my tears. So salty, it stings!! Okay I'm done being dramatic. My last weigh in was nothing to write home about, I gained 3 lbs.  still an overall net loss of 3, but get with it T bomb.

My work schedule has changed from 9 am to 8 am so now it is even harder for me to get my ass out of bed and it is still SO COLD.

What the hell winter, lay off! I've got a 5K to train for, don't you even care? Mother winter! Is that a thing? Or is it just mother nature. Yes, I know I have a basement, kinect, and treadmill. Stop giving me that look. Is it sooo wrong to just keep waiting for this weight to get tired of me and leave? Just run along now fat...go on... in the words of *Sheila...SHOO.

Damnit. Guess I have to really make shit happen. If you get what you put in, I am right on track. Time to up the ante. Challenge accepted. I think I'll go make some grilled chicken and veggies and nourish my body the way it deserves. Maybe if I keep telling myself I deserve it, I'll believe it someday.

We all deserve it.

*Sheila is my momma.

Peace homes,


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