Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tomorrow is Friday. YAY!

My one month house anniversary post never happened because nothing happened. It came and went and I had dinner with my girls instead, so anti-climatic! Bummer. I do plan on celebrating, maybe this weekend? I haven't posted and that should reflect how awful this week has been when it comes to dieting. Today was alright at lunch I started to get back on track with a nice array of spinach (raw) and chicken sausages then I came home and we ordered pizza. We won a free pizza and a 2 liter of soda from Papa Johns for correctly guessing the coin toss! That shouldn't have meant a pass to eat 4 slices. Last I knew I had lost 5 lbs of my 50. Not a great way to start a life change.  I am not giving up- AT ALL. Life happens, shitty food happens. Tomorrow is another day! Back a few posts when I was talking about temptation, I forgot to add my biggest blunder which leads to off track. That would be no groceries. We start running out of the healthy yummy stuff and start eating our frozen until forever food. I hate this routine and we need to break out of it. I think I really need to get Chris some cooking lessons. It would help out so so so much!

Tessa aka T Money (my boss called me that today, love it!)


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