Thursday, February 21, 2013

Things I'm Good At

The following is a brief list of things I am good at:

1. The Hustle, we already have discussed my amazing hustle skillz.
2. Throwing food into a skillet and making a semi decent meal aka cooking
3. Applying chapstick
4. Driving (I'm seriously like thee best driver)
5. Making people cry (Come on, with my music! Not because I'm mean. Okay not always because I'm mean)
6. Celebrity trivia
7. Googling (this really is a skill, just ask my husbee)
8. Finding funny things on the internet to share with my homies like this little gem

Man Parrot..hah
 And another, my sister Mirandas personal favorite:

Ice Cube & Ice T

 Things I am NOT good at:

1. Waking up at 6:30 AM as previously promised.



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