To do a 5K, I think it would be pretty crucial to have fully functioning lungs. That is one reason why I've decided to quit smoking. I've don't believe I have ever been fully addicted to smoking. Mentally? that's possible, but not physically. I just liked it.
I started smoking close to 10 years ago when I moved to Columbus for the first time. I had smoked a handful of times before that but I specifically remember not even doing it right. I didn't inhale (not to sound like Bill Clinton) but I just kinda puffed. My mom smoked for most of my childhood and my dad still does to this day. I also remember begging them to quit because they were going to die! Didn't they love us?! Kids are so dramatic. I blame DARE. I was....judgmental? That's not the best word to describe me, but the only one I can think of. I couldn't believe people smoked cigarettes (let alone anything else) or drank alcohol to get drunk! Ridiculous. I was naive. Maybe that's a better word.
Then I moved to the big city and life changed quickly! My roommate smoked like a chimney so I just kind of followed suite. My boyfriend at the time and all my new friends smoked too, so it's not surprising I ever picked up the nasty habit. One person who didn't was our friend and my now hubalub Chris and a small handful of childhood friends we rarely saw. Fast forward to today and Chris isn't quite ready to quit just yet. It's okay, I know he will because he's competitive.
I'm glad to be free. I really hope if you're reading this, you find your reasons for quitting. I hate feeling like something owns me. My weight owns me right now. I don't choose what to wear, my body and weight dictate that. If I chose I would dress much cuter, I promise. Cigarettes have owned me. I do what they want, when they want. How shitty is that. Now I do what I want, in terms of my lungs. You don't own me Camel! Suck it.
Maybe I'll become a soprano again? The possibilities are endless!
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