Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Hate Dieting

Yup! I do, I hate it. Dress it up as a lifestyle change and I still hate it. I've all but given up! I try to stay positive. It's just the one thing I am horrible at. I am horrible at making good food choices and work out choices! The thing I am most awful at is sticking with it. So while I'm only half way through reading my book I am determined tomorrow to get back up on this horse and try again! It only takes one right move, one foot in front of the other. Here we go again!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm back!

I didn't really go anywhere, but I didn't know what to title this blog. I'm still reading the Blood Sugar Solution and so far, so good! I found my wedding dress this last Saturday and that has provided some insane motivation. The book is about using medicine as food. It makes sense to me, it's like a car and gasoline. It won't run on water- it runs on specially formulated fuel. Our bodies also need fuel. I still eat crap that I don't know why I eat. I'm working on it! We might be getting a puppy on Sunday and he will serve as my inspiration to WALK. I need to get out, exercise. The weather is so nice lately, upper 70s in March, in OHIO. Once I develop said plan I will start talking to you all again. Failure sucks and this is about the 900th time I've started something at 100% passion and in a short time dropped off the map. My goal was that this blog would motivate me. We've had some house stuff going on, but it's no excuse. Time to get back in the saddle and change my life! Thank you for staying with me on this journey!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I have a plan

I ordered the book by Dr. Mark Hyman called the Blood Sugar Solution. Finally a plan! I hope all is well and gives me all I've been searching for! I will let you know of course!